Your Guide to Personal Engagement with the Trees in the Forest. This book is full of colorful images. Let Jubilant June take you on the journey that resulted in the Checketts family creating their "Owl's Nest" recreational retreat in the forest. This is a true story told by the special Mother Tree who became Darby's friend and teammate in making it happen.
Darby will tell you... As a human lives among trees, a strong mutual appreciation can occur, which the human can easily express to the trees by speaking to them and caring for them. The response from a tree is more subtle. It comes as the human gets impressions about what a tree might be sensing and through the helpful gifts the tree provides to the human. It is wonderful to ask yourself, "What if trees could talk, what would they say about you and your world and about life with their forest families?" My conversations with Jubilant June may be a joyful fantasy, but these do help to present a truthful account of what my Tree friend and I experienced together. I can talk about it. She cannot. So I gave her a voice. I have learned from her. Please go to for a book preview. Contact Us about quantity purchase options.
There are four best-selling books that we whole-heartedly recommend. These have had a profound effect for a vast number of readers worldwide and provided us with continuous inspiration in writing our "Forest" book. The four authors are, respectively, the experts on (1) the science, (2) the stories, (3) the wonder, and (4) the intimate world of trees.
1) The Hidden Life of Trees. In this international bestseller, Peter Wohlleben opens readers’ eyes to the amazing processes at work in forests every day. Now this new, breathtakingly illustrated edition, brings these miraculous phenomena to life like never before. The book offers fascinating insights about the fungal communication highway known as the “wood wide web," the difficult life lessons learned in nature's tree school, the hard-working natural cleanup crews that recycle dying trees, and much more. The photograpy is superb.
2) The Overstory. This 2019 Pulitzer Prize Winner in Fiction is a sweeping, impassioned work of activism and resistance that is also a stunning evocation of―and paean to―the natural world. From the roots to the crown and back to the seeds, Richard Powers’ interlocking fables range from antebellum New York to the late twentieth-century Timber Wars of the Pacific Northwest and beyond. This is an adult spellbinder.
3) Into the Forest: The Secret Language of Trees. For millennia, trees have offered renewal and inspiration. They have provided for humanity on every level, from spiritual sanctuary to the raw material for our homes, books, and food. In this revealing book, Susan Tyler Hitchcock joins National Geographic to combine legendary photography with cutting-edge science to illuminate exactly how trees influence the life of planet Earth―from our personal lives to the weather cycle.
4) Finding the Mother Tree: Discovering the Wisdom of the Forest. In this New York Times Best Seller, Suzanne Simard brings us into her world, the intimate world of the trees. She brilliantly illuminates the fascinating and vital truths--that trees are not simply the source of timber or pulp, but are a complicated, interdependent circle of life; that forests are social, cooperative creatures connected through underground networks by which trees communicate their vitality and vulnerabilities with communal lives not that different from our own.
NEW: Forest Is the Tree Word for Family. Please visit to preview Darby Checketts' soul-stirring account of his nature connections and woodland projects that include conversations with his tree partners. This is Darby's eighteenth book. It will inspire and guide you to create nature connections for your family and friends. It contains special pages to start your Tree Partners journal.
The Utah Cure: Three Days & Two Nights. Darby & Sharon Checketts have lived in Utah off and on for most of their lives. They attribute many of the positive attributes of their family to camping out and spending time together in the mountains, forests, and canyons of the Great State of Utah. In this book, they will help you discover the curative, rejuvenating, and inspirational effects of being in the great outdoors. It is a succinct, reader-friendly overview of Utah history, tribes, geography, geology, and more. You will be guided to over 40 of the coolest destinations and most magical connections across Utah's natural wonderland. Learn methods of travel and camping that will make your adventure safe & satisfying, while your family togetherness stays simple & sublime.
Travels on the American Road with Sean & Vince. What does happiness mean in America? There does seem to be a fundamental human quest wherein each individual seeks to determine their purpose in life and to make the journey a satisfying experience. Each person gets to be young once and, if we manage to stay healthy, each of us gets to be old once. In this book, you will be inspired by the ambition of a young man named, Sean, and you'll be reassured by the wisdom of his "senior" friend, Vince. Their two perspectives from the early years and later years of life can represent useful bookends to hold in place your own "books of life." Join young Sean as he travels for 31 days across 23 states and shares his journal with Vince. Sean and Vince are fictional characters who alternate as Darby Checketts' avatars.
The New American Prosperity: Redefining Success as Smart & Happy vs. Rich & Famous. Americans and others have historically been inspired by the idea of the American Dream. And now, for so many, the rough landing after the first two decades of this new millennium has evoked fear, anxiety, and even anger. We have discovered that the notion of Rich & Famous can turn out to be an inflated bubble of false ambition leading to a burst of disappointment. American prosperity will return. As we learn from what we are experiencing, we will redefine success in practical and meaningful terms that will erase fear and restore our confidence and determination to move forward. The New American Prosperity is a collection of thirty-nine (39) essays with a common theme of redefining success. Darby Checketts' commitment is to assist you, your loved ones, and your friends in meeting life's challenges in a way that demonstrates how Smart you are and how Happy you are determined to be.
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